On the way to success, there are almost always a few bumps in the road. What matters is how you approach them. But if you put your ego and emotions out of the equation— which we know is hard to do—a good attitude is the key to moving forward and making progress. Keep in mind that rejection often has little to do with you, personally, in some cases.
Believe it or not, a little bit of failure is good for you. If you can deal with rejection positively, you’ll become much stronger, more resilient, and unstoppable. So, let’s talk about how to handle rejection and bounce back quickly.
Five ways to help you learn how to deal with being rejected.
Here are our best ideas for how to deal with being rejected. They are easy to do and will help you when you feel stressed.
1. Take A Step Back. Breathe. And Focus On Yourself
When you get rejected, the worst thing you can do is double down. You need to get away from the situation and the place you are.
If you have a quiet corner in your home, you can go and do it. You might have a music or media room, a patio, a balcony, or a backyard where you can get some sun and fresh air. The most important thing to do is to look away. Get your mind off of it. Listen to some music. Walk or run around your neighborhood, or do a quick workout. Don’t bring your phone with you. Put the computer to sleep.
Most of the time, all it takes is 30 minutes to reset the synapses and see things in a different light.
2. Don’t Deny Your Feelings
It’s important not to ignore these feelings. People often hide their strong emotions because they think it shows they are weak or don’t have the courage to face their problems head-on. You can’t make your feelings disappear by denying them or putting them in separate boxes.
In fact, if you don’t deal with them, they might hurt you even more in the future, both at work and in your personal life. Never tell yourself that you shouldn’t feel a certain way, no matter what you do. Ultimately, they are your feelings, so you should take responsibility for them. You can’t grow as a person if you don’t change.
3. Use Self-Affirmations
Take a moment and write down what you do best. Think about what you’re good at, what you stand for, and what makes you special. This isn’t about what you want to be; it’s about who you are now.
The most important aspect of self-affirmation is that they make you feel good. Write your affirmations in your journal and read them out loud every morning before you go to work. To reinforce the positivity, reread them just before you go to sleep.
You could even choose a mantra to repeat to yourself as you fall asleep. This is a tried-and-true method of self-hypnosis. It could say something like, “Every day, in every way, I get better and better.” Do this ten times as you fall asleep; hopefully, the idea will stick in your mind and show up when you’re awake.
4. Give yourself time to recover
Give yourself a break if you’ve applied for 100 jobs and nothing has come through. Don’t think it’s never going to happen for you. This is a time when it’s okay to let yourself feel bad.
5. No Matter How Small, You Should Be Proud Of Your Wins.
It’s important to take credit for and celebrate your small wins. We don’t remember how far we’ve come and what we’ve done. It’s always easier for someone else to tell us these things, but we should be able to do some of it ourselves.
One way to do this is to write down your accomplishments or good things that happened and put them in a jar. Then, when you need a boost, you can just read some of these entries.
Hook Up To a Good Read “You Have To Feel To Deal” – Change Your Narrative on Rejection
It can be difficult to grapple with feelings of rejection and insecurity. You might feel lost, wondering who you are and your place in the world. If this sounds like you, Jessica Sauls book “You Have To Feel To Deal” is just what you need. Sauls takes you on a self-discovery journey, helping you rediscover yourself and find your footing again. Her book is full of practical advice to help you cope with your feelings and start moving forward. So if you’re looking for a way to get out of your rut, pick up a copy of “You Have To Feel To Deal.” You won’t regret it.